Here are some things you are doing now that you are 2:
- You are potty trained and prefer to sit on the big girl potty and not your potty
- You speak in sentences
- When you say a word that ends with the letter "N" you add a "T" to it. ex: run = runt & down=downt
- You love to be outside (like all the time) and go for walks
- You are kinda bossy and always tell people to "'come here" so that they will play with you. :)
- Your favorite shows are Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Sesame Street and Winnie the Pooh
- You are still trying to learn your colors, everything is either pink or blue :)
- You can count to 4
- You went to the dentist for the first time and did great!
- You love stickers
- You know how to mean mug
- You are the BEST hugger
- Hankie (grandma and poppa O's dog) is pretty much your best friend. Everyday you ask where he is and if you are going to see him.
- You are still super shy when you go places and it takes you at least 45 mins to warm up
- You still aren't the best sleeper but we have gotten used to that. :)
- You like to wear "pretty" dresses and you are the best at giving compliments to mom :)
- You are amazing with directions. You can always point out the destination if we have been there more than once.
- You are already showing signs of good coordination. Catching footballs, basketballs and bouncy balls is pretty easy for you.
- Milk is still one of your all time favorite things.
- You love the Seahawks, Cougs and Mariners. Anywhere you see a Seahawk anything you point it out to us.
- You are probably one of the most observant little kids. You notice every stinking thing.
- You are constantly bringing the little things to life for your mommy and daddy. We appreciate it so much!
Here are your stats from the 2 year appointment:
Weight: 24lbs 25%
Length: 2 ft 4 in 50%
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On your birthday Hankie was staying with way to start your day! |
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I'm 2! |
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Birthday Party |
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Yum! Ice Cream cake |
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Some of the party goers |
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Everything Minnie! |