As I was going thru some of my documents I came accross a document that read IMs. It was some IMs I saved when Meghan and I were preggos! They really crack me up. Here is one chain that we definitely fulfilled while on maternity leave:
Meghan Blalock says
we can go on walks and vent
and we will be able to drink caffine
Amanda Turner says
lots of fam and friends
Meghan Blalock says
well not a lot of it
but we can
Amanda Turner says
Meghan Blalock says
and drink
and beer
Amanda Turner says
happy hours here we come
with babies!
Meghan Blalock says
Amanda Turner says
seriously the only alocohol that i actually would want right now
is beer
Meghan Blalock says
me too!
i am the same way
Amanda Turner says
guess what my lunch is today?
Meghan Blalock says
Can you guess if Meghan was right that I had cereal for lunch? Cliff hanger!!
Happy Hour. At 2:30PM. With Babies. Only Ones There. Laughing The Whole Way Home On Our Walk. |
Sienna was not impressed with my Blue Moon |
Now our IMs will probably be about how much we miss the kiddos and what Sienna and Briggs are doing at 6 months. Welcome back to work bright spot is we get to IM again!