Monday, June 10, 2013

15 months

Sienna you are growing leaps and bounds!  I cannot believe how much of a big girl you are turning into.  You surprise us everyday with something new! 

Here are the haps of what you have been up to:
  • You are an amazing walker and are really trying hard to run...
  • You can sign: please, more and all done at all the right times!
  • You jibber jabber all the time!
  • Words you can say: mama, dada, Hank, Nick, Papa, Roma (oma), baba(bottle), what, duck, car
  • You make all the animal noises but love to make the horsey one the best!
  • You love to read books but you get tired of reading one after about 20 sec and you go and get a new one.
  • You were a flower girl in Uncle Lance and your new Auntie Ariana's wedding
  • You know how to snap
  • You like to twirl
  • You love to blow and give kisses but don't know how to do it without using your tongue. :)
  • It takes you about 45min to an hour to warm up to new places.
  • You still aren't the best eater but you love all fruits and will eat string cheese, eggs and turkey almost everyday.
  • You sleep from about 7-8PM to about 4:30-5:30AM. (Not a fan of this)
  • You still tend to take 2 naps a day
  • You gave your mama a pretty good black eye that lasted for about 2 weeks.
  • You have molars on the top!
  • You can go up and down stairs
  • You wave to almost every person you see
  • You climb on everything and you get so proud when you get to the top!
  • You don't usually let anyone else hold you except for your mama.  We are hoping a summer at home with dad will rid you of that!
  • You are ticklish and love to laugh!
  • You point at Everything
  • You are still loving everything outdoors, especially when we do our walks to the track.  You could spend hours there!

Here are your 15 month stats:

Weight: 20 lbs (25%)
Length: 31 inches (75%)
Head: 18 (50%)

You are staying right with the curve my dear and the doctors say you are doing just fabulous!  You bring us so much happiness and joy it is hard to put it in words!  You have such a fun personality and watching you grow is so amazing to see.

Love you little sugar pie!
Love mama and dada

see what I mean about keeping the tongue in the mouth :)

mama's poor eye

loving the playground

hanging out at the track

"all the single ladies!"

Still doing the dance

working on your hoops skills

wearing mama's clothes

practicing your pledge of allegiance

still hanging with your bff Briggs

big kids!

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