Tuesday, January 24, 2012


And I am not talking the food people!  Man my ribs have been HURTING from this lil babe. Any suggestions on how to stretch or make it a little more bearable for the last month???

Not only does the pressure happen throughout the day but sleeping is becoming a little more tricky.  I find my self sleeping sitting up for half the night.  NO FUN.

Maybe I need one of these and have LT sleep on the floor. :)  Just kidding...maybe.


  1. LOL! you crack me up! that pillow looks amazing.

    ONLY 1 month!!!!!!

  2. The worst! The only thing that saved me at night was the Snoogle body pillow! I also found that if I pushed my fist into my ribs and just held it there all day long it helped! My husband said I looked like a teapot. :)
