Thursday, March 21, 2013


Well, let's just say that Sienna would sleep outside if we let her!  She is in love with exploring everything that outside has to offer.  I love watching her face light up when she shows me some dirt and her "ooooh" face when she touches the grass.  It is so amazing how she is so interested in the smallest things!  She is now pulling us to the door and pointing that she wants out at all times of day (and cries when we don't let her out).  I need to break it down to her that we do live in Seattle and that outside days are not usually until April or May.  Luckily we have been fortunate to have nice days scattered throughout March!  Our walks now take about 1/2 hour to go two houses up since she has to look at EVERYTHING.  We also have a pond (water accumulation) down the street that has ducks and she absolutely loves to drive her car down there and look for the duckies.  I can't wait until summer and she can really enjoy running the neighborhood with all the kids on the block!

Love you my little explorer of the outdoors!!!

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